Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Book and Course Reflection Assignment

Book and Course Reflection Assignment

Q Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to summarize and reflect upon all of the material presented in this course. Skills and Knowledge: Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to: • Debate the relationships between development policies, environment, livelihood choices and identity • Summarize different arguments • Reflect on broad course concepts and your perceptions of food and identity Task: In this assignment, you will be asked to summarize and discuss the arguments made in your discussion group for the Sacred Rice book club discussion. You will then be asked to reflect upon several course concepts and your experience in this course. All of the guiding questions for these tasks are listed in the assignment template which you are required to use to submit this assignment. Criteria for Success: In order to be successful in this assignment, do the following: • Download and use the template to answer the assignment questions. • Use proper spelling and grammar, including sentence and paragraph format where appropriate. • Check out the rubric to see how the assignment will be graded. Compare your completed assignment to the rubric to ensure you have met every expectation. • ASK QUESTIONS IF ANYTHING IS UNCLEAR!!! Please use the Hallway Conservations board to ask us if you are unclear about any of the expectations of this assignment.

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The debate was generally about how Jola people are addressing the changes in their economic and environmental conditions given the importance of rice. Davidson capitalizes on an individual family’s tribulations and trials to demonstrate the implications of disappearing resources and changing the climate. Rice is a crucial trademark to identify Jola, therefore, its insufficiency has a significant impact on the core sense of the villagers. Davidson (2016) tries to capture the complex forms of deprivation, adaptation, fear, frustration, and ingenuity among the Jola farmers when they think of these changes. My original position was about the points I have discussed here, and my perspective did not change over the course of the debate.